Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cómo consultar fácil estado solicitud visa americana

Cualquier persona puede consultar el estado de todas las visas no inmigrante que ha solicitado recientemente o en el pasado ingresando a una pà ¡gina oficial del gobierno de Estados Unidos. Este artà ­culo, que aplica a visas no inmigrante como la de turismo, intercambio, inversià ³n, estudiante, trabajo temporal, religiosos, etc. muestra cà ³mo saber el estado de la solicitud y todos los tipos de respuesta que se pueden obtener y quà © significan.  ¿Quà © se necesita para verificar estado de solicitud de visa? Antes de empezar con el trà ¡mite es necesario tener a mano el cà ³digo de barras que se imprimià ³ tras realizar la solicitud de visa por internet mediante el formulario DS-160. A continuacià ³n, introducir en esta pà ¡gina del Departamento de Estado ese nà ºmero y el nombre de la ciudad donde se realizà ³ la entrevista, si à ©sta ya tuvo lugar, o donde se realizarà ¡, en caso contrario.  ¿Quà © resultados se pueden obtener al verificar el estado de tramitacià ³n? Aparecerà ¡ una pantalla en inglà ©s donde lo importante son cualquiera de las siguientes palabras: No Status. Quiere decir que se ha realizado la solicitud pero todavà ­a no ha comenzado su tramitacià ³n dentro del sistema de visas. Dependiendo de la Embajada o consulado puede demorarse. Ready. En estos momentos la tramitacià ³n està ¡ en marcha. Pronto tendrà ¡ lugar la entrevista y la toma de huellas digitales. Si ya tuvo lugar o no es necesario, volver entrar al sistema dos dà ­as mà ¡s tarde para darle tiempo a actualizar el estado. Administrative Processing. En ocasiones y por razones varias una solicitud de visa no es ni aprobada ni negada. Simplemente se considera que es necesario hacer mà ¡s comprobaciones. En estos casos pasa a una situacià ³n de procedimiento administrativo. El tiempo que se puede prolongar va desde unas semanas a incluso meses. Mientras tanto, el solicitante no puede hacer nada. Si la oficina consular necesita documentacià ³n adicional, la pedirà ¡. Issued. La visa ha sido aprobada y està ¡ o bien en su à ºltima fase de gestià ³n o en proceso de envà ­o. Una vez que aparece esa palabra, si no se recibe el pasaporte con la visa estampada en à ©l en el plazo de diez dà ­as, consultar con la Embajada o consulado a cargo del trà ¡mite. Muchos consulados y embajadas de EE.UU. utilizan el servicio de mensajerà ­a de DHL para enviar los pasaportes con las visas estampadas en los mismos. El solicitante de la visa debe recogerla en la oficina de DHL que designà ³ en el momento de hacer la peticià ³n. Si no lo hace dentro de plazo, la visa serà ¡ regresada a la delegacià ³n consular y, si no se reclama en el plazo de un aà ±o, serà ¡ anulada. Refused. La visa ha sido negada. Si el visado es negado no es verdad que se pueda apelar la decisià ³n del oficial consular. Las solicitudes de las visas no inmigrante se pueden rechazar por dos grandes categorà ­as: inelegibilidad o inadmisibilidad. Estas son las 20 causas mà ¡s frecuentes  por las que el solicitante es inelegible. Ademà ¡s, hay que tener en cuenta estas 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible para los Estados Unidos. Para evitar perder tiempo y dinero –ya que es necesario volver a presentar una solicitud nueva y por lo tanto pagar de nuevo la tarifa de $160–, es muy recomendable saber cuà ¡l fue la causa del rechazo. Y segà ºn sea analizar si es posible aplicar con à ©xito o no. Por ejemplo, si el problema fue que no se demostrà ³ con à ©xito lazos econà ³micos y familiares en el paà ­s de origen lo mejor esperar a que se produzca un cambio en la situacià ³n del solicitante para tener mà ¡s à ©xito. Por ejemplo, tener un buen trabajo, haber formado una familia, propiedades, empresas, etc. En otras palabras, todo lo que sirva para que el oficial consular no sospeche que la razà ³n para solicitar la visa sea ingresar en EE.UU. con el fin de trabajar y/o quedarse en el paà ­s mà ¡s tiempo que el autorizado. Sin embargo, si se rechazà ³ la solicitud porque con anterioridad la persona estuvo en Estados Unidos ilegalmente en Estados Unidos despuà ©s de cumplir los 18 aà ±os de edad por mà ¡s de 180 dà ­as, tendrà ¡ un castigo que le impide regresar al paà ­s por tres o de 10 aà ±os, segà ºn las circunstancias. Otras situaciones que pueden dar lugar a problemas muy graves en la solicitud de la visa son la pertenenciaa  las pandillas, el trà ¡fico de drogas, el mentir en una aplicacià ³n para la visa o presentar documentos falsos, ya que se considera que es un fraude de ley, etc. Cabe destacar que en casos muy particulares es posible pedir un perdà ³n para visa no inmigrante.  Cuando se solicita la visa que se rechaza el oficial consular puede sugerir pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso, cuando crea que el solicitante reà ºne los requisitos para que el mismo le sea concedido. Puntos clave: Cà ³mo comprobar el estado de solicitud de la visa americana En la pà ¡gina oficial del Departamento de Estado www.ceac.state.gov es posible rastrear el estatus de la visa no inmigrante que se ha solicitado. Es necesario tener a mano la hoja de confirmacià ³n con su cà ³digo de barras que se tuvo que imprimir cuando se inicià ³ la solicitud de la visa mediante el formulario DS-160.En el rastreo pueden aparecer cinco resultados: No status (sin estatus), Ready (preparado), Administrative Processing (en proceso administrativo), Issued (emitida_ y Refused (rechazada).Las visas no inmigrante se rechazan por dos grandes categorà ­as de causas: inelegibilidad e inadmisibilidad. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Night by Elie Wisel and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck...

Night by Elie Wisel and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck are both books that have differences and similarities in the relationships of their main characters. These characters are Elie and his father, which are two Jews trapped in a concentration camp for the book Night. The other book Of Mice and Men includes two other characters, who are Lennie and George. These two characters have very close friendship, and take care of each other. These two relationships differ and coincide, in how they treat each other, and in how they care for one another even when they don’t have to. The relationships of the characters in both books are both fairly close, but still face many hardships along the way. As in all books the characters have a†¦show more content†¦A quotation from this novel of this is when Slim said â€Å"You had to George, I swear you had to† just after the murder place. The quote relates to the relationship of Elie and his father by showing how they both felt the same burden about others. Lastly, another similarity between the relationships is how close they are throughout the novels. For example, one way is as mentioned earlier, they care for each other by feeling remorse when something happens to them such as in Night or when they do something that might put them in danger or make them ill. An example is when George says â€Å"Lennie for God’ sakes don’t drink so much.†This relates to Elie and his father by showing us how they cared for each other’s health. All of this shows that even if characters are from different novels there are still many qualities in their relationships that coincide. The relationship between Elie and his father, and the relationship between George and Lennie differed in many aspects. One example, of this is that George and Lennie from the novel Of Mice and Men had a relationship of â€Å"tough love† even though they cared for each other, compared to Elie and his father which still loved each other but were not so harsh on each other. For instance, George always would say â€Å"I would be better off without you Lennie.† Even though he was tough on him George still cared for him. This quote relates to Elie and his dad because it explains how this made their relationships differ. On the other

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Top brands Free Essays

Division of the technology brand on the basis of those who have strong consumer facing brand and those who do not have as Google and other technology brands like Apple and Samsung generate a lot of attention compare to non-technology brands. For few brands which have consumer products, consumer experience plays an Important role. Google with its various application such as maps, translation. We will write a custom essay sample on Top brands or any similar topic only for you Order Now Voice services and more is one of those brands for which consumer experience plays an important role. 2. Apple: Apple being a technology brand creates a lot of attention which goes a long way in establishing Itself as the number two brand behind Google. It attracts a lot of commentary, Like Google do, with Its desirable mainstream products as well as their more experimental efforts Like wearable. Firms Like Apple and others shape the bar for what a digital experience for any consumer to be. Collaborations and acquisitions also help Apple grow both as a brand and value. Barberry’s collaboration with Apple for taking images for its catwalk with the latest ‘phone. 3. MOM: The number third position Is again occupied by a technology company, MOM. Marketing has evolved at an unprecedented rate, the consumer behavior is changing at a blink of an eye, brands are bigger than ever, competition is global, for this purpose you need platforms or software that can keep you in the game for long run, tools which can be incorporated into ever more comprehensive platforms of business software by companies such as IBM and other technology giants. As Microsoft is a very old and well established brand it occupies number four position in the ranking. Through its salient features (coming to mind spontaneously) it has a wide acceptance in terms of reliability and functionality. The rapid rises in brand value and the fluctuations with Apple declining and Microsoft rebounding is testimony to the fact of extraordinary rate of industry maturation and innovation happening simultaneously. Few brands with powerful tagging attract the consumer. The most successful technology brands are those that constantly push brand life cycle to the right. Brands see through the cloud and turn planning into action. 5. McDonald: With a brand value $85,706 million, McDonald occupies the fourth position in the ranking. It is also a salient brand when one thinks of fast food with quality and one which impacts human health directly. McDonald slowed down in terms of brand value as compared to the year 2013 because of menu complications. Influence of other brands either makes the brand more innovative or competitive or makes it fall. 6. Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola is the only soft drinks firm in the top ten Global Brands. Salience in an important parameter for a brand to be consistently in the top brands of the world. If one thinks of fast food McDonald comes into mind and similarly when one thinks of soft drinks Coca-Cola comes to mind. As these brands impact human health any once regarding the same has an adverse effect on the brand as a whole. High brand contribution also plays an important role and helps in staying power. 7. Visa: Certain brands might be very strong compared to their competitors but the category as a whole might not be talked about much and one such category is Visa (credit cards). Financial services are driven by third party communications, consumer facing experimental commentary is minimal. But distinct from this trend Visa and other financial services giants such as American Express had success with consumer campaigns which reiterated the rewarding promise of the cards. We can conclude that campaigning might give surety and security to the customers. 8. ATT: ATT is a telecoms brand which occupies eighth position. The pressure and the competition is very tough in telecoms sector and this factor led only to a marginal increment of three percent over the previous year. Also contributing to this cut throat competition is the pricing distribution. In a category noisy with competitor claims, differentiating and services provided makes a huge difference as ATT made similar points with its TV campaign â€Å"It’s not complicated†. 9. Marlboro: With a brand value of $67,341 million Marlboro occupies the ninth position. The possible TV ads and radios in the world condemns. 10. Amazon. Com: Amazon. Com is the only retail brand among the top 10 brand of the world. It gives testimony to the service that it provides, and its foray into the Indian market with one day delivery concept that too free of cost is giving Jitters to Indian retail giants such as Flippant. Com. An online e-retailing firm wouldn’t able to exist if it doesn’t deliver what it promises and being in the top ten Amazon. Com gives reasons to believe its efficiency, effectiveness to the hilt. How to cite Top brands, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Administration for Legislative Laws - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Administration for Legislative Laws and Policies. Answer: Ethical considerations, especially in the human resources department, are crucial. It is important that in the recruitment process, there is a clear procedure that fulfils all the set standards and regulations in line with the recruitment process. It is, therefore, important to recognize the significance of the regulations and policies guiding the work process over personal feelings and emotions that may come to affect the outcome of the recruitment activity. In this scenario, when a person I know personally with some past criminal offences applies for the position; I will have to weigh the most appropriate options before arriving on the decision to recommend the eligibility of the applicant. As a supporting human resource recruiter, the primary legislative laws and policies come first before my personal opinion. According to (Shen et al.), human resources are the primary pillar of a proper recruitment process. Hence, my ethical considerations for the applicant would revolve around his professional ability, his current integrity, and the value he/she will add to the organization. The Clean Slate Act of 2004 outline conditions a person must meet to qualify for protection against revealing of his past deeds (Ministry of Justice). Among them requires a person to not have been convicted in the last seven years or never sentenced to imprisonment among others. The Act is only eligible for protecting those people with minor offences, especially during their youth periods. In addition, New Zealand employment policy stipulates equal opportunities for all the people regardless of their social, ethnic or political backgrounds. The human resource practice should adhere to the strict professional practice and the codes of ethics (Turner, Huemann Keegan). This scenario, however, calls for a very crucial look and analysis. There are two obvious alternatives that would either lead to the positive recommendation of the applicant or decline his/her application. The first alternative is, if the person has fulfilled all the professional requirements, and he/she has had a clean recent criminal record apart from the minor offences committed in the past and posses the ability to transform the organization in a bigger way with his contribution, then as HR support, I would definitely recommend the person to the manager. This is because; minor offences and non-custodial convictions in the past history of an applicant cannot affect productivity in the workplace. However, the second alternative is, if the applicant has fulfilled all the professional requirements, but from personal knowledge, he is a person with recent wrongdoings whether minor or not and frequently gets himself in trouble with the law; then from an ethical point of view, I would not recommend the applicant to the manager. For the best interest of the organization, I would not endorse the applicant because the Clean Slate Act cannot reveal the real extent of a persons criminal ability. Sticking to a high level of professionalism in such scenario is fundamental because, in human resource management, professionalism is one of the most discussed areas as a part of ethical practice (Hussain Ahmad). Scenario Two Ethical considerations can at times rise from many unexpected cases. But it still calls for an appropriate action anyway. Nevertheless, the considerations should be higher in line with the set laws and regulations. In matter to with credit and debt conflicts, there are several recommended ways through which the disputes could be solved. They include the Disputes Tribunal among others (Craeg). However, in New Zealand, the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003, as well as the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (CRPC) are the guiding laws in addressing such cases. Additionally, in relation to this scenario, the MRC has a customer privacy and protection policies that safeguard its customers from unfair treatment. As a worker of MRC, I have the moral obligation to serve all the customers without involving personal disputes. However, if the scenario presents a case whereby the person in the picture has been involved in activities that have affected my family and poses a threat to the council, then an action is necessary. The CRPC Act regulates the law on matters to do with the reporting of the credit issues, while the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 provides contractual procedures and agreements in relations to credit acquisition and reclaiming (New Zealand Legislation). Therefore, considering what the law states and the rules of the council, my actions would be strategic but ethical. From the scenario, the person has seemingly breached the credit contract between him and my father. The customer has also closed down all the communication channels with my father meaning that he/she is not willing to respond to any issues in regard to my father's money. Because of the all the above-mentioned braches, he/she has committed a criminal act. If the rules of the council do not allow me to take direct necessary measures from my workplace such as calling of the policies, then I also have the moral authority in informing my father about the person who had declined to repay the borrowed money because morality goes hand in hand with good professional practices. References Craeg, Williams. "What You Need To Know About Debt Collection Laws In New Zealand." TPS Credit Control (2013). Available at: https://www.tpscreditcontrol.co.nz/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-debt-collection-laws-in-new-zealand (Accessed 28 Nov 2007) Hussain, Mansoor and Mushtaq Ahmad. "Mostly Discussed Research areas in Human Resource Management (HRM) A Literature Review ." International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (2012): 10-17. Ministry of Justice. "Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004." (n.d.). Available at https://www.justice.govt.nz/about/news-and-media/media-centre/media-information/media-guide/access-to-court-information/clean-slate-act/ (Accessed 28 Nov 2017) New Zealand Legislation. "Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003." (n.d.). https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2003/0052/latest/DLM211512.html Shen, Jie, et al. "Managing diversity through human resource management: an international perspective and conceptual framework ." The International Journal of Human Resource Management (2009). Turner, Rodney., Huemann, Martina and Keegan, Anne. ".A Human resource management in the project-oriented organization: Employee well-being and ethical treatment." International Journal of Project Management (2010).