Thursday, September 12, 2019

Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 8

Project management - Essay Example We began working as a group and not individuals. The fourth stage was performing, where having known one another and chosen common goals, we began working on them. The final stage in this model is usually adjourning which is the splitting of the group so that individual members go separately, after the goals have been achieved. The second model we could use is the Gersick’s Punctuated Equilibrium Model which is a three-stage model as explained by Sharma (78). In its application, which did not apply in our case works by a group coming together almost naturally bound by a common framework. In its first phase, the members come together and establish a framework in which slow progress is observed. In the second phase called midpoint, the members discuss the framework and make decisions which assume they can lead to progress. In the last phase, action is taken according to the decisions made in stage two and the group experiences effects of the decisions they made. From these two models, the first one best describes how our group was developed. We came together and collected our ideas. After that we voted for the best ones and went about achieving them. After achieving our goals, the group was dissolved. In developing the group, we had nine factors that we observed as they could affect it and which â€Å"Organizational Development Portal† (n.p.) highlights. One of these was our goals and objectives which we had clearly set. These worked positively because we knew what to do. The second was utilizing our group resources which we controlled well, such that there were no complaints. The third factor was conflict resolution, which was a bit difficult to handle since all the members felt equal thus could not listen to each other. This was a negative factor. The fourth factor was leadership which we had constructed by voting using preferences and secret ballot. The leaders were respected because they were chosen by the members. This was positive. The fifth

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